Why You Need Marijuana Delivery Services in Los Angeles

a cell phone with places to get marijuana delivered

Cannabis is legal in California for both medical and recreational use. However, the tables can turn very quickly when it’s rush hour and it takes 20 minutes to get to the end of the block, let alone to your favorite dispensary. That’s where GRASSDOOR comes in. GRASSDOOR is an application that operates a lot as Uber eats, but instead of food, delivers fresh and high-quality cannabis products throughout the city of Los Angeles – the largest cannabis market in the world.

GRASSDOOR has been able to tap into the Los Angeles market since the legalization of marijuana. Taking the opportunity to deliver marijuana and its associated products to citizens across the city safely, and will soon become a daily lexicon. The concept operates under three main principles: 

Safety: All GRASSDOOR drivers are uninformed, highly professional, and also licensed. To become a driver for GRASSDOOR, one has to pass a thorough and extensive background check to ensure that you meet the safety standards required for this company. 

Reliability: GRASSDOOR is a highly reliable service.  They never miss orders and the vast majority of deliveries are made within 30 minutes. Customers can also watch the GRASSDOOR Real-Time Map where you can track your order just like Uber and receive updates via text message along the way.  

Quality: GRASSDOOR prides itself on sourcing and curating the best delivery menu in the Cannabis industry.  If it’s on the GRASSDOOR menu, customers can be assured that GRASSDOOR ‘s expert purchasing team smelled it, tasted it, ate it, or possibly inhaled it, and confirmed the product is fresh, delicious, competitively priced, and fully tested.  GRASSDOOR has a satisfaction guarantee and vows to go above and beyond what is expected to make sure every customer is thrilled with their GRASSDOOR experience.   

How the application works 


Grassdoor.com is the best Cannabis delivery site/platform on the market;

  • It is easy to use Marijuana Delivery Services
  • Allows customer to track their order with a real-time map
  • Keeps saved requests to allow for a re-order that only requires one click in the future
  • Manages administrative processes such as customer questions and needs 


The app for a driver or a provider is a tad bit more comprehensive. Its features include; 

  • Geo-tracking
  • Inventory for sales
  • Administrative tools specific to the provider or driver
  • The earnings and routing for any orders

Single front-end user interface – this interface is straightforward to use, and allows for fast delivery across the city. And contains stress-free and seamless payment and the ability to track your order, and shows you the high-quality products available. 

Conclusion on Marijuana Delivery Services

Marijuana use in LA is growing in popularity, and with such a broad market, more complications seem to be inevitable. It is no surprise that many people nowadays when given the option, would prefer to have marijuana products delivered rather than do the pickup themselves. As mentioned above, GRASSDOOR has been in the business of delivering quality cannabis products for a long time. Therefore, the next time you are kicking back with friends or on your own and are in the city of Los Angeles craving some marijuana, consider hitting up GRASSDOOR for quick delivery. You can be sure that you will get fresh marijuana products that are of high quality from a reliable service that is very secure.